Next Steps

Whether you're considering making Greater Life your spiritual home or just seeking more information, our Next Steps session is the ideal starting point for you!

Typically, after every Sunday Morning Service, we host a meet-and-greet session for all our guests with our Pastors in the VIP Room (accessible through the door on the south side of the Foyer).

Our Next Steps session usually takes place on the first Sunday of each month in the Prayer Room (located in the North East Corner of the Sanctuary) following our morning service. To reserve a spot, simply sign up using the form below and we'll inform you of the exact date for the upcoming session.

The Next Steps info session is a no-obligation, brief introduction to Greater Life. Join us to learn about ministry opportunities and discover how to stay up-to-date on everything happening at Greater Life.

Remember, there's no pressure and no obligation to commit! We'd be delighted to have you join us!

In addition, our GLC Virtual Pastors are available and eager to support you. We're here to serve as your "away from church" pastor and advisor. Connect with us today and one of our pastors will reach out to you promptly.